Hey Ho semuanyaa!Hi everyone :)
Masih ingat nggak dulu Gue pernah berjanji akan mencoba membuat blog dua bahasa.. kalo perlu tiga bahasa.. ahahaha!
-- Do you guys still remember that I've promised to try write on this blog with dual language, and if I could even trilingual language.. hahaha!
Masalahnya ya.. nggak tau kenapa kalo pake bahasa Indonesia tuh lebih asyik aja bawaannya..
--The problem is, don't know why, it's just using bahasa Indonesia is more comfortable for me..
Tapi.. karena sekarang Gue udah pake dua bahasa.. sekalian ajalah ya.. hahaha!!
--But, right now i already use this two languanges so just go on then ..
Jadi.. inget nggak sih banjir heboh yang melanda Jakarta pas tahun 2007 itu? sadis banget yaa! Rumah mati lampu, ada yang kejebak gabisa dievakuasi.. dan ternyata banjir yang lebih heboh dari 2007 melanda Jakarta lagi pada tahun 2013 ini!--So, you guys still remember the massive flood that ever been on Jakarta on 2007? That was so scary! House was black out, some residences stuck inside their house and can't be evacuated.. and the fact is.. the more things happened again on Jakarta this 2013, this year is bigger!
Kenapa Gue bilang banjir ini lebih dasyat adalah.. karena setelah banjir taun 2007, Gue sempet naikin rumah mgkn 30cm gitu.. karena taun lalu banjirnya masuk pekarangan rumah, eh taun ini masuk lagi ke pekarangan rumah! padahal udah Gue naikin tuh pekarangan rumah..
--Why I conclude that the flood this year was greater is.. after flood on 2007, I renovated my garage and make it 30cm higher because last year the water already on my garage, but this year the water also arrived on my garage even though I've make it 30cm higher on 2007.
Gue beralamat di Green Garden.. semuanya taulah ya setelah banjir kemaren tuh sontak GG jadi terkenal abis! Terkenal karena banjirnya parah!
--I live at Green Garden, everyone maybe knows Green Garden because after the flood this year, Green Garden is so popular, it's so popular because it was on the news that reported that the flood there was so high.
Rumah Gue di kompleks dalem sih ga separah di McD sono, tapi Gue juga stuck nggak bisa kemana-mana abis semua akses ketutup air! Naik motor juga takut ga jalan.. jalan kaki juga rada jijay jalan didalem air kali gitu.. kalo cuman selutut iya aja deh kalo udah sepaha.. sepinggang? kan agak jijik yaa..
--My home, inside the complex isn't as worst as at McD Green Garden, but so I was stuck because all the accesses were covered by water! I want to ride my motor cycle but I'm afraid it'll be broken, I also thought to walk but it's a little bit disgusting walking inside a nasty-river water. If the water only as high as knee maybe it's okay, but if the water already as high as waist.. it's disgusting, really.
Tapi lucu juga sih! karena banjir kemarin, orang-orang sontak dapet pekerjaan sampingan.. kayak tukang sampah di kompleks Gue yang menyulap gerobak sampahnya jadi gerobak pengantar penduduk yang mau ngungsi.. jadi dianterin naik gerobak sampe ke daratan kering.. WOW!
--But it's also funny, because of the flood, some people just accidentally got a side job.. like a garbage men in my neighborhood, they made their garbage cart into a cart that could take people who wants to evacuated theirself.. so these men will bring them unto a dry land.
Berikut beberapa momen yang Gue abadikan melalui lensa kamera pas banjir kemaren..These are some moments that I captured with my camera when that flood was happening..
Beberapa orang mengevakuasi diri mereka sendiri
Some people just evacuated their self
Stok makanan!
Food stock!
Tukang Sampah, Gerobak Sampah, Warga Pengungsi
Garbage Men, Garbage Cart, Residences that Want to Evacuated Theirself
Bermain Diatas Air
Playing on flood water
Rumah tetangga yang ditinggal begitu saja
My neighbor's home that was abandoned by the owner
Tukang sampah lagi
Garbage Men again
Olahraga Air!
Water sport!
nesss follow back blog gw dongski :D... ini gw Putri... hahahah